In case you haven’t heard, the Keto diet and the Paleo diet are past the stage where anyone could consider them a fad. They are now officially a “thing” and it appears they are here to stay. It’s easy to see why. The benefits of following a no sugar, low-carb, clean diet can’t be dismissed….
Peruvian Breakfast Foods – Start The Day Right
Breakfast dishes, the first meals of the day, get the least amount of thought in most countries. No country chooses breakfast food to represent its culinary delights. The early morning meal is often hurriedly prepared and wolfed down before heading off to work. Dinner is where the culinary skills come into play. But there is a…
Peruvian Food Facts: Stuff You Need To Know
Type the word Peru into Google’s image search and you’ll see hundreds of images of Machu Picchu. The ancient Inca fortress in the Andes is a spectacular destination and worthy of any bucket list. But anyone would think there’s nothing else to the country. But another aspect of the country is a stand-alone tourist attraction, Peru’s…
Maca – Benefits, Nutrition & Side Effects
For over two millennia, the native people of the Andes region have been using maca, also called Peruvian Ginseng, for longevity, fertility, and to treat a wide variety of ailments. Maca is typically baked, dried, powdered, mixed with milk, or cooked in various dishes. In recent years, scientists and physicians have gathered scientific evidence and…
11 Peruvian Foods You Must Try
Peruvian food is a cuisine of opposites: hot and cold on the same plate. Acidic tastes melding with the starchy. Robust and delicate at the same time. This balance occurs because traditional Peruvian food relies on spices and bold flavors, ranging from the crisp and clean to the heavy and deep. Each flavor counters or tames…
Where To Eat Peruvian Food In Dublin
Finding somewhere to eat Peruvian Food in Dublin is like looking for the holy grail. Unlike most other large cities in the world, Peruvian cuisine does not have a go-to location here. There are over 400 functioning Peruvian restaurants in the United States. Peruvian food establishments are into double-figure in London, only an hours flight away. In some…
What is Ceviche? Everything You Need To Know
Ceviche is the most famous Peruvian dish. This popular seafood dish claims origins in Lima, Peru but is found in many coastal areas throughout Latin America such as Ecuador, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia. Ceviche is also known as cebiche and sometimes spelled seviche. In its simplest form Ceviche consists of raw fish and fresh lime…
Peruvian Christmas Food – Holiday Season Cuisine South America Style
Christmas is a time for giving, sharing, and as we all know, eating and drinking. As one of the most widely celebrated holidays around the world, Christmas embodies vibrant traditions in global food culture. When it comes to food, many countries have traditional dishes that are sacrosanct to particular festive holiday seasons. Peru is no different and has…
The Ultimate Guide to Peruvian Coffee
Hey coffee lover, when you think of your morning cup of coffee, which country comes to mind? Are the bags of coffee in your cupboard emblazoned with flags and symbols of countries like Brazil or Colombia?You may be surprised to know that Peru produces millions of bags of the delicious brew each year, and is…
Vegetarian Peruvian Food – Much more than rice and corn
The archaeological sites of Peru which whisper tales of ancient civilizations and a legacy that continues to influence the customs, traditions, art, and culinary experiences did not mention vegetarianism. With a cuisine as varied as its cultural influences, Peru offers a unique dining experience. But what does modern and traditional Peruvian food offer vegetarians keen…
Peruvian Cookbook Review – Martin Morales’ Ceviche
Title: Ceviche: Peruvian Kitchen Author: Martin Morales Year first published: 2013 Design and layout: Weidenfield & Nicholson Recipes: 94 + paste, oil, and salsa recipes Martin Morales is a master of the media and communicating his vision. The ex-DJ, music label head, and entertainment business executive understands what his public wants and he doesn’t disappoint….
Novoandina – Andean cuisine’s rich cultural history
Food is integral to culture, and culture is integral to revolution. When it comes to cultural restoration for a people seeking their roots and their heritage, nothing reforms those natal bonds so powerfully as food. This is especially true in Peruvian culture, where many citizens who spent years in exile during governmental turmoil have returned…
5 Of The Best Lima Food Tours
Want to experience authentic local cuisine without breaking the bank and without the hassle of reservations? Would you like to learn about Peruvian food in a practical way? Are you curious about the culture of Peru and it’s culinary traditions and you’d like some guidance on where to start exploring? Try a Peruvian food tour…
Peruvian Potatoes – From The Andes to Mars
The potato is one of the most important food crops in the world. It comes after wheat, rice, corn, and sugarcane on the list of most consumed crops worldwide. Although the tuber was a startling novelty at first and actually frightening to many people, this crop has become a staple for many cultures because of…
Peruvian Spanish Food Vocabulary – Language Tips For Your Trip
Ordering food in Peru can be a harrowing experience for the newbie. Will it be super spicy? Will I have to eat a pet (Guinea Pig)? Raw fish is dangerous, so should I stay away from ceviche? How does one pronounce Ají? Food and language are both incredibly important vehicles of culture, so a combination…